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Monografie in archivio: : 8417
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Titolo Autore Data ins. Anno publ. Posizione Codice In prestito
The neutral ISM in starburst galaxies Aalto S., Huttemeister S., Pedlar A. 2005-05-11 2004 16/6D 7091 no
The formation of stars Stahler S.W., Palla F. 2005-04-26 2004 12/6A 7090 no
Star formation in the interstellar medium; in honor of David Hollenbach, Chris McKee and Frank Shu Johnstone D., Adams F.C., Lin D.N.C., Neufeld D.A., Ostriker E.C. 2005-03-23 2004 16/6D 7089 no
Spectroscopically and spatially resolving the components of close binary stars Hilditch R.W., Hensberge H., Pavlovski K. 2005-03-23 2004 16/6D 7088 no
Magnetic cataclysmic variables Vrielmann S., Cropper M. 2005-03-23 2004 16/6D 7087 no
Stellar interiors, physical principles, structure, and evolution. Second edition Hansen C.J., Kawaler S.D., Trimble V. 2005-03-23 2004 12/6A 7086 no
Quantum gravity Rovelli M. 2005-03-01 2004 11/4C 7085 no
Advances in computational methods for x-ray and neutron optics Sanchez del Rio M 2005-03-01 2004 16/3D 7084 yes
Advances in mirror technology for x-ray, EUV lithography, laser, and other applications II Khounsary A.M., Dinger U., Ota K. 2005-03-01 2004 16/3D 7083 yes
Mounting optics in optical instruments Yoder Jr. P.R. 2005-02-10 2004 15/7B 7082 yes